Welcome to Children’s Ministries of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church! We are thrilled to have you and your children joining us! We are a church that loves the little children and building them up in their faith. We believe that children need to have a real relationship with Jesus and a place to grow in the love for Him. Through hands-on and age- appropriate lessons, we are able to create unforgettable experiences and teaching the children about who Jesus is; He is their Friend, their Light, their Rock, and their Savior. We not only want to build the children up in Jesus but we want to encourage and walk alongside families as they grow in Him and together. We have lots of fun programs and events throughout the year for kids and their families to enjoy from Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Summer Musical Camps and so much more! Feel free to check out these ministry opportunities below. For more information contact Jessica Tibben, Director of Family Life at [email protected] or 920.757.5722.
Vacation Bible School:
Are you ready for a high-octane, super fun, Bible-filled experience? Well, VBS (Vacation Bible School) is just that. It is our big summer fun event that has everyone excited. All 3 years old – 4th grade children are invited to join in on a wonderful time filled with Bible Storytelling, Imagination Station, Crafts, Games, and Music! Come join caring adults and youth as they walk your children through a fantastic 4-day (Monday -Thursday) experience that will be a memorable time and a highlight of their summer! For more information and to sign up for VBS for summer 2024 click HERE.
Our nursery is offered during all Worship Services for age infants to 3 years old. We have a skilled nursey person available for your child during those times; as well with age-appropriate toys for them to enjoy. Please check children in at the Nursery (located near the Sanctuary).
Birth - 03 Ministry:
We love walking with families from the very beginning journey of their child’s life. Birth to 3 Ministry starts right from the beginning with newsletters sent every 6 months, age-appropriate events and fellowship opportunities for parents and their little one(s) to join, and continued support as your walk with your little one in your/their early development & faith journey. If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities or want to get on our newsletter list – contact Jessica Tibben at [email protected] or call at 920.757.5722.
Sunday School Ministry:
The Shepherd of the Hills Sunday School program is for 3 years old to 4th grade and runs every school year from September to May. Students enjoy Bible stories through many different resources including; Large Group, Games, Music, Crafts, Small Group Time, Puppets, and much more! Students join together for Large Group at the beginning of the Sunday School hour to watch and interact with the lesson for the day. After Large Group, the students head to their small groups where they have fun with crafts and many different activities! At the end their time they join back together to worship and praise God with music that will get them singing and dancing! We would love to have your children join us for this fun filled hour of growing together and in our faith!
The Sunday School Program runs during our 9:30 Service from 9:15 to 10:30! |