Welcome: We are so thankful that you are exploring Shepherd of the Hills. We know you have many churches to choose from. We know you have many other choices of things to do with your Saturday night or Sunday morning. We are thankful that you choose Shepherd of the Hills to worship the Savior, Jesus Christ. We want you to feel at home here. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you or answer any of your questions. Pastor Steve & Pastor Chad ([email protected] / [email protected]) Find out more about WORSHIP here.
Worship Connect Card: During the service, please fill out the “GUEST” side of the yellow worship card and place it in one of the wood boxes by the doors of the Worship Center on your way out OR fill out our digital Worship Connect Card here or on the SHLC Church Center app(Apple / Android).
Offering: As our guest we have no expectation for you to give toward the ministry here but if you would like to there are locked wood boxes by the doors of the worship center you can place your offering in on your way out.
Child Care during worship (Ages 0-5): Available Sundays from 9 am – Noon in the Nursery Room to the left of the worship center doors. There is no staffed childcare on Saturday nights during worship but feel free to use nursery if you would like.
Activity Bags for Kids during Worship: If you would like your children with you during worship there are activity bags on the racks in entryway that they can use. The bags are marked for ages 2-4 and grades K-2. Return the bags to the racks at the end of worship.
CHILDREN’S Sunday School: (3 year olds – 4th grade). During the school year we have Sunday school for children from 9:15-10:30 am. Check in at the table down the small flight of stairs to get them registered or contact Jessica Tibben ([email protected]) for more information. Parents may attend the 9:30 worship service during that time or attend another worship service with your children. Find out more about our CHILDREN'S MINISTRY here.
MIDDLE SCHOOL (D.O.G.S. Confirmation) Program: (5th – 8th Grade) During the school year we have our Disciples of God (D.O.G.s) Middle school confirmation program every Wednesday from 6-8 pm. We eat dinner in small groups, have a large group teaching time and small group discussion time and then close with a short free time in the gym. We cover many important topics of the Christian faith during these 4 years. Contact Pastor Chad ([email protected]) in the church office for more information. Find out more about our MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY here.
HIGH SCHOOL Programs: (9th-12th Grade) Our High School ministry meets every Wednesday from 6-8 pm during the school year. We eat dinner together. Do some crazy games. Have some great discussions on a Biblical topic of the night and have a ton of fun together. Contact Jessica Tibben ([email protected]) for more information. Find out more about our HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY here.
Young Adult Programs: The “real world” is calling your name, whether you are just graduating High School or starting at a new job – you may be asking the question of “Now what?” or “Where do I go from here?” We may not have all the answers but we can provide a community that wants to grow together in fellowship and in faith. Our dynamic Young Adult Ministry would love to have you be a part of our group! All college students, working force, job seekers, young couples, singles in their 20s and 30s are invited to meet up for Small Group Bible study, dinners, outings, mission outreach, and more as we seek to grow in our walk with Christ and each other. To learn what is happening now click here.
ADULT SMALL GROUPS: Every adult should be in an Adult Small Group Bible study. It’s a great way to get connected. It’s the best way to grow deep in your faith. It’s a great way to be supported and encouraged by others in the family of God. Go to our website www.shepherdhills.org then click on MINISTRIES and SMALL GROUPS to get involved or contact Pastor Chad ([email protected]). Find our more about our ADULT MINISTRIES here.