gods are like opinions: everybody’s got one. Actually, most people have several, even some they’re not aware of (gods, I mean). The small “g” is intentional. I don’t want anyone to confuse the one true God with our fake substitutes.
Your god is anything that overtakes your life and casts an outsized shadow over your heart and mind. You draw security and enjoyment from it. You schedule it and budget for it. You tell yourself it’s good but not great, you can drop it anytime but don’t, you don’t really need it but you have no choice. Truth is, you love it. So many god addicts aren’t even aware that they’re addicted, and that their little “g” is actually interfering with the big “G.” The real G. The time, the energy, the investment, the commitment that should be directed to God is spent on god. Here's a few of the temples I have seen. Sound familiar?
For older generations, I would say: show me your calendar and your checkbook and I’ll show you what your gods are. To the younger crowd, show me your online history: there’s your gods. Time + energy + money = god. The Bible says it’s time to put away your gods. Here’s Joshua 24:14-15: Now fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. …As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua lays it down for himself and his family. Serve. I think we’ve identified Who we serve? But when? How? Now. Not tomorrow, not after breakfast, now. Fear the Lord. Fear means respect more than trembling, but a little tremble might help. It also involves anticipating the relief of the Gospel – the good news that Jesus takes the wrath while we get the forgiveness. Serve Him in sincerity and faithfulness. With integrity and loyalty, not to buy Him off, but treasuring the relationship He has crafted with you by His amazing grace. Put away the gods…and serve the Lord. Our belief system is a hand-me-down, but an abusive father does not mean we have to be abusive too, nor does an unbelieving mother require us to be unbelievers. To put away is to remove, to cast aside. Whether your gods were inherited or adopted, they are keeping you from your full life in Jesus Christ. That’s the life He designed, purposed and paid for with His own blood. So that you and I can be free. Free to live. Free to serve. It says serve the Lord a second time. Must be important if He repeats it. Not because His day is ruined or His life incomplete unless we act like slaves; God doesn’t need your good works, but your neighbor does. That’s why Jesus calls us to serve, so that He can work through us on the next one who is fooling with too many gods. God reaches us… (say it with me) with the love that reaches others! So here’s your chance. We need servants:
Shoot me a message. I’ll help you help.
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AuthorPastor Steve Kline was installed as Senior Pastor at SHLC on May 25, 2014, after serving 12 years as Senior Pastor at Zion in Wayside, WI. He was ordained in 1992 and previously served congregations in Pulaski and Hales Corners. Archives
January 2025